NSFAS should distribute funds and ditch the tenders — NGO

NSFAS should distribute funds and ditch the tenders — NGO
NSFAS should distribute funds and ditch the tenders — NGO

The EFF, ActionSA and the DA have opened criminal cases regarding the allegations against Nzimande and Khosa.

Hoffman said the spotlight was on the Hawks and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to investigate the allegations and look into documents supplied by Outa.

“The ball is in the court of the Hawks and NPA. We must just hope it is not sent to them to die of unnatural causes but that they will give attention to the docket. We should expect a criminal prosecution by the Hawks and the NPA in a case such as this where angry students burn universities if they do not get the grants they expected. It is a matter for fast tracking,” Hoffman said, speaking on Newzroom Afrika. 

Nzimande on Monday said allegations against him and Khosa were not true.

“As minister of higher education, science and innovation I have never used money from any of my department’s entities for funding the SACP, as maliciously suggested in the Outa report. Nor have I received personal kickbacks from the service providers to NSFAS or any of the other entities falling under my departments,” he said.


Source: https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2024-01-11-nsfas-should-distribute-funds-and-ditch-the-tenders-ngo/

