Former head of the North West health department Dr Andrew Lekalakala and businessman Joseph Leshabane appeared in the Molopo magistrateâs court on Tuesday to face fraud charges.
The Department of Health is scrambling to avoid a stand-off with nurses who have threatened to work in their own clothes if a dispute over the provision of uniforms is not resolved.
Transnet has announced that Ms Portia Derby will be stepping down as group chief executive and an executive board director with effect from October 31.
Representatives from more than 30 regional and international development finance institutions took part in the first roundtable on the Abidjan-Lagos highway.
By Roe Ferredo, in Windhoek Angola commenced, on September 30, 2023, the public tender for the award of 12 onshore blocks in the Kwanza and Congo basins. The acreages include: (A) Onshore Congo Basin blocks: CON Block 2, CON Block 3, CON Block 7 and CON Block 8. (B) Onshore Kwanza Basin Blocks include: Block
Board members, executives and CEO of state-owned enterprise Sanral launch a passionate defence of bid adjudication process after Chinese companies awarded road and bridge construction project tenders worth billions of rands.