Cora Gold Limited is a British Virgin Islands-based gold company. The Company is focused on two gold regions in Mali and Senegal in West Africa, the Yanfolila Gold Belt (south Mali) and the Kedougou-Kenieba Inlier gold belt. The Company operates on a number of gold permits with a total area of 900 square kilometers. The permits are grouped into three distinct project areas, which include Sanankoro Project Area, Yanfolila Project Area and Diangounte Project Area. Sanankoro Project Area (southern Mali; within the Yanfolila Gold Belt) comprises the Bokoro II, Bokoro Est, Dako II, Kodiou and Sanankoro II permits. Yanfolila Project Area (southern Mali; within the Yanfolila Gold Belt) comprises the Farani, Farassaba III, Siekorole, and Tekeledougou permits. Diangounte Project Area (western Mali/eastern Senegal; within the Kenieba Window) comprises the Madina Foulbe permit.