DA Backs Halt on R9.8 Billion School Nutrition Tender Amid Corruption Concerns – iAfrica

DA Backs Halt on R9.8 Billion School Nutrition Tender Amid Corruption Concerns – iAfrica

DA Backs Halt on R9.8 Billion School Nutrition Tender Amid Corruption Concerns - iAfrica

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has expressed confidence that the investigation into the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) tender, valued at R9.8 billion, will lead to accountability at the provincial level.

Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube recently halted the tender, which aimed to centralize the provision of meals to over nine million learners across South Africa. The tender proposed appointing a single supplier as the “managing agent” for the programme, but this raised red flags about potential corruption.

In 2023, thousands of students in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal were left without meals, underscoring the critical importance of the NSNP. The decision to pause the tender came after a whistleblower alerted Minister Gwarube to potential malfeasance. In response, the minister sought legal advice to ensure transparency and accountability.

DA national spokesperson, Karabo Khakhau, emphasized the need for vigilance: “It simply cannot be that cadres continue to eat while children starve. The DA welcomes Minister Gwarube’s decision to halt the centralization of the school nutrition programme contract. We must ensure that no single individual controls a tender of this magnitude.”

The DA’s support for the investigation highlights the party’s commitment to ensuring that the NSNP serves the needs of South Africa’s learners without falling victim to corruption.

Source: https://iafrica.com/da-backs-halt-on-r9-8-billion-school-nutrition-tender-amid-corruption-concerns/

