Five years after tenderprenuer Edwin Sodiâs company was appointed as a consultant and project manager to build a school in Gauteng, not a single classroom has been built.
CARPING POINT: We need a sense of humour these days, but itâs wearing thin, writes Kevin Ritchie. File picture: Pixabay IF YOU were in Joburg last Sunday, the question is, did the earth move for you? There was a tremor measuring 4.8 on the Richter scale just after 2.30am on Sunday morning. If you did [â¦]
Air force officials warned the leadership of the Presidential Protection Service that they would need specific customs clearance if they wanted to transport weaponry to Poland ahead of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s visit to Ukraine and Russia this week â but were rebuffed.
/PRNewswire/ — On 10 January 2023, Crayfish BidCo Oy (the “Offeror”), a Finnish private limited liability company indirectly controlled by the entities…
Statement of the Board of Directors of Uponor Corporation regarding the recommended Voluntary Public Cash Tender offer by GF Uponor Corporation Stock exchange release 16 June 2023 at 4.30 pm EET Statement of the Board of Directors of Uponor Corporation regarding the recommended Voluntary Public Cash Tender offer by GF NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND OR SOUTH AFRICA OR IN ANY OTH
On 10 January 2023, Crayfish BidCo Oy (the “Offeror”), a Finnish private limited liability company indirectly controlled by the entities comprising Triton Fund V (together “Triton”), announced a voluntary public cash tender offer for all the issued and outstanding shares in Caverion Corporation (“Caverion” or the “Company”) that are not held by Caverion or any of its subsidiaries (the “Tender Offer”). The Offeror has published a tender offer document, dated 7 March 2023, concerning the Tender Of
/PRNewswire/ — On 10 January 2023, Crayfish BidCo Oy (the “Offeror”), a Finnish private limited liability company indirectly controlled by the entities…