South Africa Launches Bid Window 7 For 5000 MW Renewable Energy Projects

South Africa Launches Bid Window 7 For 5000 MW Renewable Energy Projects

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy announces the seventh bid submission phase (Bid Window 7) under the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Procurement Programme (REIPPPP). The call seeks 5000 MW from Solar Photovoltaic and Onshore Wind projects. Prospective bidders must register, pay a documentation fee, and adhere to the submission schedule.
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South Africa launches bids for 5,000 MW renewable and 615 MW battery capacity to beat power deficit

South Africa launches bids for 5,000 MW renewable and 615 MW battery capacity to beat power deficit

The Government of South Africa has launched bidding rounds for 5,000 MW of new power generation capacity from renewable sources and 615 MW of battery storage, as the country fights to overcome power outages.

The country is also seeking 2,000 MW of capacity from natural gas-fired plants, in line with previously disclosed plans to speed-up development of gas-fired capacity. A statement from the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy said three requests for proposals (RFPs) had been invited from independent power producers (IPPs) for the aforementioned capacities.

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