SAPS Issues Tender to Equip National & Local Security Control Centres with CCTV cameras – defenceWeb

SAPS Issues Tender to Equip National & Local Security Control Centres with CCTV cameras – defenceWeb

SAPS Issues Tender to Equip National & Local Security Control Centres with CCTV cameras - defenceWeb

The South African Police Service has issued a tender for a network of CCTV cameras. This tender, Specification 32161/2024 aims to “establish a roster/panel of qualified suppliers for the provision of closed-circuit television and access control systems for the [SAPS] nationally for a period of five years.”

Through the tender, the SAPS intends to establish a network of Local Security Control Rooms through various police precincts, each observing not only internal secure areas at police stations, including evidence rooms and equipment rooms. These control rooms will then create a larger security network, in which selected incidents can be escalated to a National Security Control Centre (NSCC). The tender document notes in respect to network requirements that it “must be possible to escalate from Local Security Control Centre to [NSCC].”

The tender document notes that bidders must “ensure that all equipment offered is of the latest technology and the latest available model and software release.” Other requirements listed include infrared (IR) illumination, “for both indoor as well as outdoor use in conjunction with the cameras offered such that supplementary IR illumination can be deployed where required.”

Read the full story on ProtectionWeb here.


