AFU secures forfeiture orders worth R33m over unlawful Kusile tender

The National Prosecuting Authority’s (NPA) Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) has secured two forfeiture orders worth R33m in relation to an unlawful tender at Kusile power station.

The orders will see properties and vehicles forfeited to the state as they are the proceeds of “unlawful activities” at the power station.

According to the NPA’s Lumka Mahanjana, the orders come after a Special Investigating Unit (SIU) probe into allegations of serious maladministration and corruption at Eskom.

“The preliminary investigations by the SIU revealed Eskom, in respect of this case, lost almost R400m from an unlawful tender granted to Tamukelo Business Enterprises.

“Eskom appointed Tamukelo, which provided water trucking services to the Eskom Kusile project site from approximately June 15 2009 to November 2020. Tamukelo then made payments to current and former Eskom officials. The findings implicated the members and representatives of Tamukelo.”

Former Eskom employee Duduzile Babalwa Moyo, who was involved in the awarding of the tender and approving payments to Tamukelo, “received payments or benefits of more than R24m” from Tamukelo, according to the NPA.


