The African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) leader Kenneth Meshoe has called for corruption prevalent in the tender system to be rooted out to ensure services are delivered to the masses.
Meshoe was campaigning in Empangeni, northern KwaZulu-Natal. This is the party’s biggest gathering in the province ahead of the May 29 polls.
Meshoe says once his party is voted into power, they will ensure they decentralize the provision of services and give power to municipalities.
“The tender system is benefiting very few people and has caused corruption to go to another level. Because those who win tenders the exaggerate the numbers. So the ACDP is saying because tenders have made us what are today, we have lost good infrastructure. We have lost the good things that were happening in the past. When you (were) growing up, municipalities fixed the robots, fixed the plumbing, fixed everything in the municipality. We want services to be closer to the people. ”
Meshoe also adds that the ACDP seeks to repatriate illegal immigrants alleging they contribute to increased levels of crime in the country.
“We will tighten the borders as it should not be easy to climb into South Africa. We want to encourage people to apply for visas and come in legally if they want to come in. But what we are seeing today is that people come in without passports. People come in without visas. People come in without going through immigration and we believe that it is this order in the country that we are going to change.”
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Young people, who attended the imbizo, are pinning their hopes on the ACDP to garner more seats after the elections so that some of their concerns are addressed.
“We want him to open job opportunities. Services in hospitals should be improved. We want him to deal with crime in South Africa.”
“Majority of young people are not working. There’s also an nepotism and political deployment.”
“Young people end up using drugs because they do not have jobs. I want a government to create employment opportunities and that will also ensure that crime is just is reduced in the community.”
Reverend Meshoe says that South Africans will see a change in the upcoming general elections, insisting that there are many reasons to vote for his party.
Source: https://www.sabcnews.com/sabcnews/meshoe-campaigns-in-kzn-calls-for-end-to-tender-corruption/